Saturday, August 25, 2012

Girlier Than Girls

Is it just me or are boys getting girlier every generation? If I asked my grandpa to walk outside barefoot and kill a beetle for me, he would, if he were younger. But my cousins? Forget it, they're even girlier than me. We were playing a game and I decided it would be fun to run across my yard barefoot. When I asked my cousin, we'll just name him Bob for now, to run barefoot, Bob said, "Eww, the ground's dirty." That got me thinking. His brother, I'll name John for now, always wears shoes around my house because he claims the floor's dirty. My cousins that are girls would eat cookies right off of the ground. The boys tell me my house is nasty because I have expired candies in the back of my food cabinet. Well, if you ask me, who told them to be so rude to go digging through my cabinet? -Huff- if all the other boys in this world are as girly as my cousins, I'll praise my little sister for finding a manly husband...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Owl Bookmarks

We were searching the web last night and found a website called We searched further and found these really cool owl bookmarks. We printed them out on green card stock and cut them out with a kitchen knife. The really hard part of this is cutting below the belly of the owls. Other than that heart pounding moment of messed up owl and perfect owl, it's simple, really. Here are the instructions

Here are ours:
(Picture by Hestia)
This is done by the website we got it from:


Athena and Hestia
P.S. You should really check out!!! It's really amazing. We promise :D